Kobe Bryant
Special Moves
- Make your teammates Invisible so you won't need to pass the ball
- Force your Teammate to assist in any circumatances
- Disable your teammates shooting buttons so they have no choice but to assist
Blake Griffin
Special Moves
- Dunk anyone even against your teammate or anyone on its way
- Dunk on FreeThrow litteraly
- Call the KIA Car on the court and Dunk off the hood, anyone the will get more scores when your KIA hit a player
Metta World Peace
Special Moves
- Fatality - summon a fire dragon that will breathe to death your enemy
- Brutality - rip out someones heart and eat it while its beating
- Friendship - give your Champ Ring and then give a sucker elbow
Lebron James
Special Moves
- Make yourself Invisible in the 4th so you won't get blame from losing
- Injure yourself in the 4th so you won't get responsibility for the clutch time
- Get a Triple Double in exchange of losing the game
Justin Bieber
Special Moves
- Use your face to catch the ball
- Vomit on the court so you can stop the momentum
- Dance with the cheer dancer and show you are prettier
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NBA Video Games
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